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Buying Group

Problem Many companies in the medical equipment business have difficulty getting favorable pricing from manufacturers on commonly used products. The problem is that their purchasing volume is not sufficient to warrant volume discounts. Solution This application was designed to aggregate orders and function as a real time buying...

HME Answers – An EMR System

Business Problem When a physician writes an order for a medical device they must address very specific language for insurance coverage. The problem is that the physician rarely knows the correct language to use. Solution HME Answers is an electronic medical record system (EMR) designed for prescribing medical equipment....

Get Subcontracted

Business Problem A change in U.S. policy forced thousands of companies to bid on contracts in order to provide equipment to Medicare patients. This was an enormous disruption to the industry. The only option for companies that were not awarded contracts is to partner with a...

GetDME – A Provider Locator

Business Problem In 2011 Medicare changed to a complicated contracting system for medical devices. They restricted the companies that could provide devices based on product category and geographic areas. This made it very complicated for hospitals and clinicians to determine where their patient could obtain the...

DME Liquidators

DME Liquidators

Business Problem This client is in the mergers & acquisitions business. In 2012 they saw a market opportunity in U.S. medical device industry. Their goal was to automate the process of matching buyers and sellers of medical equipment businesses. The Solution We developed a very user friendly interface...